Hanamaru Seikotsuin
Massage and manipulative therapy have their own demands in MMA which aren't often discussed. Professional athletes use these treatments to take care of their bodies, but which styles are popular among fighters? I'm not sure.
In Japan, however, one skill is famous: Sekkotsu (or Seikotsu).
There are several Sekkotsu doctors around the MMA world who have gained reputations as specialists in relieving lumbago.
How do they treat it? Basically, if you had a backache, the doctor wouldn't even touch the affected area, and would instead massage your leg or shoulder muscle to relax the lumbar pain.
How can they do such a thing? Because the balance of the rest of the body affects the waist. Before writing this article, I went to a Sekkotsu hospital for myself and I was convinced that it was worth writing about. I can say from my experience that it was worth a try for someone like myself who needs treatment on the waist. Of course, the skill level and results can vary from doctor to doctor, depending on your ailment. When it comes to medicine, I'm not a professional and I can't be held responsible for your result.
Hanamaru Seikotsu In (In = Clinic in Japan)
Run by Ken Yamamoto
Hiroto Dojo
Run by Soihci Hiroto, a former MMA referee. He has experience treating players on the Atlanta Braves
All Elbows
MMA photo and video website All Elbows has a video with Ken Yamamoto as staff for Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal
Fight Journal: King Mo Sengoku 7: Fight Night from All Elbows on Vimeo.
Big thanks to Chris Nelson (from Bloody Elbow) for English and editing.